Ask yourself these questions:
What is the problem/conflict you are trying to resolve?
If the problem is internal dysfunction between departments in an organization, or individuals in departments, think of doing fact-finding and then implementing a systems design to handle dispute resolution.
Are you thinking of filing a lawsuit, or already embroiled in litigation?
Is your case appropriate for mediation?
Is the other side unwilling to mediate?
Do you know everything you need to know to be ready for mediation?
Have you explained to your client his/her role in the mediation?
What kind of a mediator do you want?
Are you entering into a contract and considering an arbitration clause?
Do you want a panel or a single arbitrator to decide the issue?
What issues do you wish decided in arbitration?
What rules of arbitration to you wish to follow?
Do you want to put a limit on discovery?
Do you wish to have the arbitration conclude within a certain timeframe?
Business managers and attorneys have to answer these, and many other questions. As a consultant in the mediation process, Ms. Meyer will help you, and your client, decide whether to mediate or arbitrate and to prepare in the best way for ADR.
Read what clients are saying about Judith Meyer and the mediation service she provides.